Set to begin the eight season of their nationally broadcast television series, The Dailey & Vincent Show, the affable duo bring their music to a national audience on a weekly basis. It ranks as the No.1 Music and Entertainment Show for RFD-TV, and the network’s No. 3 overall show. After a decade spent performing together, and with more than 1,000 airings of their PBS special Dailey & Vincent ALIVE – In Concert, their concoction of fantastically instinctive vocal blends of Dailey’s tenor and Vincent’s reedy harmonies has gained them well-deserved praise for their own distinctive style, and worldwide recognition as American music gold.
The Silver Dollar Showroom Sessions are a unique offering in Jackson Hole, pairing world-class entertainers in an intimate setting, with a delicious 3-course meal. Tickets, priced at $195 per seat, include dinner and the show, are extremely limited, sold by the table, or barstool. Tickets for Dailey & Vincent go on sale Oct 23rd (10am MT) at Doors open at 6pm, followed by dinner at 7pm and then the performance.